Corgi's Escort Mk2 RS2000 is really professional

22 December 2022
Professionalmania (Corgi Premiums) Ford Escort Mk2 RS2000 - 45th anniversary
Corgi's Escort Mk2 RS2000 is really professional Images

REF NO: CP14901
SCALE: 1/43

Although it doesn't say it on the packaging, this is a replica of one of the main cars used in the much-loved TV series, The Professionals. Airing from 1977 to 1983, the release of this model marks the 45th anniversary of the airing of the first episode.

Diecast Collector subscriber and absolute The Professionals guru, Tony Buller, commissioned Corgi Premiums to manufacture a limited run of its Vanguards Ford Escort RS2000 casting, modelled as Ray Doyle’s white version from the TV series.

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Tony is a massive fan of the show and even runs a company call Professionalmania Ltd., so commissioned a limited edition of 1,000 models of the famous car, complete with the correct registration number (PNO 641T) and a replica GB sticker on the boot lid lip.

The packaging that Corgi has created, specifically for this release, is brilliant. The outer box features silhouette graphics, as per the opening sequence from the show, plus reference to the CI5 organisation and a spray of bullet holes.

The inner plinth is a superb representation of a dilapidated warehouse interior - a typical setting for plenty of baddie-busting scenarios during the five seasons that the show ran for.

There is still a small quantity of the 1,041 models left. So, if you fancy one, get your skates on and skid across the bonnet, in true Bodie and Doyle style, and drop Tony an email at [email protected].