Character Building Launches Doctor Who Micro-figures

05 December 2012
imports_CCGB_03955-doctor-who-micro-figu_86320.jpg Character Building Launches Doctor Who Micro-figures
12 new figures including the 11th doctor, a dalek, Amy Pond and more! ...

Just in time for the Doctor Who Christmas special, Character Building has launched a brand new collection of Doctor Who micro-figures featuring characters from the latest TV series.

Millions of constructible micro-figures have already been sold since they were launched last year and now fans of Doctor Who can add to their collection with 12 new faces from the show. Of course, leading the way is Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor in his bow tie and clutching his trusty Sonic Screwdriver.

Alongside the Time Lord, you can also pick up fellow goodies Amy Pond, Rory and River Song. But if you prefer to collect the Doctor’s foes then there are plenty of options, including Ood, Vashta Nerada and his most fearsome enemy, a Dalek. Each micro-figure comes in a mystery foil bag, so you’re never sure what you’ll get.

What’s more, if you want to complete your collection Character Building has also launched a range of play sets, including a TARDIS and Silent Time Machine, among others.

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