LEGO Launches Minifigures Series Seven

15 May 2012
imports_CCGB_8831-bag-front_54371.jpg LEGO Launches Minifigures Series Seven
Model Maker Continues to Build on the Successful Series ...

LEGO has recently launched the seventh edition of its best-selling series of minifigures, featuring a range of colourful characters such as a tennis ace, rock star and even an inter-galactic soldier.

Minifigures were originally introduced 30 years ago and their little yellow faces and square legs have become recognisable across the globe. Since their creation more than four billion figures have been produced. In 2010 LEGO launched the minifigures into the collectable market with the addition of lucky dip packs that included a mystery character inside. It proved to be a huge success and LEGO minifigures were the UK's best-selling toy in 2011.

There are now websites and groups dedicated to swapping and buying the minifigures to help those who need to complete their collections and snag that elusive final figure! Included in the latest series is: Aztec warrior, evil knight, galaxy patrol, jungle boy, viking woman, ocean king, grandma visitor, rocker girl, tennis ace, computer programmer , bride, swimming champion, daredevil, bunny suit guy, hippie and bagpiper. 

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Have you got a Minifigures collection? Or are you an avid LEGO collector? Let us know in the comments!