It's show time!

06 January 2017
MTS-1-08077.jpg Model Tractor, Plant & Construction
The Model Tractor, Plant & Construction Show returns

The Model Tractor, Plant & Construction Show returns to the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre on Sunday 12 February 2017. Visitors will be treated to displays featuring scratch built, customised and converted models; dioramas; and machinery including fantastic competition entries. Enthusiasts and modellers are again invited to enter their models and dioramas. This will be a major feature with large display areas at the exhibition and a trophy will be awarded for the winner in each of the following classes: Class 1 - Tractors & Farming Equipment; Class 2 - Plant & Construction Machinery; Class 3 - Dioramas; Class 4 - Junior Section (under 16). The closing date for the competition is 23 January 2017, and there is no charge, so if you were thinking of entering your work make sure you do this soon! For a competition entry form or for further information visit or telephone 01926 614101.

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