Auto Assembly 2012 Prepares to Roll Out

06 June 2012
imports_CCGB_aa2012-logo-website-featured-image-300x154_56496.png Auto Assembly 2012 Prepares to Roll Out
Organisers working hard to pull off Europe's biggest and best Transformers show ...

Transformers fans are in for a treat this August with Auto Assembly 2012 shaping up to be Europe's biggest and best Transformers convention thanks to a packed schedule of celebrity appearances, rare collectables, quizzes and more!

Auto Assembly is Europe’s largest Transformers convention which takes place every year in Birmingham each August. The convention is three days of celebration offering fans everything to do with Transformers! Founded in 2000, it is a non-profit making fan-run convention and has been held annually apart from 2002 and 2007 when it took “gap” years.

This year's event promises something really special with several voice actors making an apperance, including Townsend Coleman who plays Sentinel Prime in Transformers Animated, Michael Bell who most famously voiced Duke in the 1980s G.I. Joe cartoon and Paul Eiding, the voice of Perceptor in the original Transformers cartoon. All guests are subject to work commitments. Alongside this there will be numerous talks, free autograph sessions, numerous toy displays and dealer stalls.

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 Auto Assembly takes place on 3rd to 5th August at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. Tickets are selling out fast and may not be available on the day, so it's advisable to pre-book. Also, organisers are looking for people to volunteer at the event and anyone interested can apply now by filling in a form at the site.

For more details about Auto Assembly, check out the website and we'll continue to update Collectors Club of Great Britain with information before the convention.