Vintage Mars Attacks collectable card series

19 September 2013
imports_CCGB_1-3-_62823.jpg Vintage Mars Attacks collectable card series
As Mars Attacks prepares to return for a new invasion, view all 55 original Mars Attacks cards, which caused such controversy! ...
Vintage Mars Attacks collectable card series Images
Just over 50 years ago, children were witness to some terrible images of brutality – jet pilots being burned alive, cities being destroyed by weapons of mass destruction and hapless people getting crushed to death. However, instead of being something to strike fear into the hearts of youngsters, these gruesome depictions of death were intended to entertain! That’s because they were actually part of a trading card series called Mars Attack, which gave a terrifying and brutal account of a Martian invasion. Now, more than 50 years on, the Martians are planning their return so what better time to look back at the series and consider what the new attack may involve.

Below, you can see all 55 of the original Mars Attacks cards. These were photographed thanks to Metropolis Vintage Toys in Warwick, which had a full set of the original cards and a full set of replicas in absolutely top notch condition. Plus, make sure you pick up the October issue of Collectors Gazette to read more about the series and the upcoming Mars Attacks Invasion - you can order your copy online, pick it up in shops from 20th September or download the digital edition from the App Store.

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To view the rest of the Mars Attacks cards, check part two of our image gallery!
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