Do you remember: A beginners' guide to Blow Football

27 April 2012
imports_CCGB_p7220033-web_01292.jpg Do you remember: A beginners' guide to Blow Football
David Boxall takes a look at the 'Blow Football' game, which was released by Kim Toys and popular in the late 1950s-1960s. ...
Do you remember: A beginners' guide to Blow Football Images

The ‘Blow Football’ game by Kim Toys is a good example of the sort of simple but well packaged items on the market in the late 1950s and throughout the 1960s. It is particularly well produced – made in England, and the artwork is exceptional. The illustrations are action-packed and the colours are stunning. A clear but basic set of rules appear on the inside lid of the box.

The contents required to play the game are listed on the side of the box and include ‘4 Hygienic Plastic Blowers…Realistic Plastic Football’.

Introduction - As shown on the inside lid of the box, followed by the rules
Each player is provided with a blow tube, and the players having taken opposite sides, the object of each side is to blow the ball into opponents goal.

1 – The ball is placed in the centre of the field of play and by arrangement one of the players starts the game by blowing the ball towards the opponents goal.
2 – As soon as the ball is started the other players commence blowing, either to protect their own goal, or to attack the opponents goal.
3 – If a player blows the ball over the side lines, it is replaced by an opponent who starts it off again.
4 – If the attacking team blows the ball over the goal line, the defenders have a free blow from the goal’s mouth.
5 – If the defending side blows it over in saving the goal, the attacking side has a 'corner' blow across the front of the goal.
6 – It is a 'foul' to touch the ball with anything when in play, and the opponents have a free blow from the place where the 'foul' occurs.
7 – Each time the ball goes into a goal it scores one to the opponents side.
8 – Each time a goal is scored the ball is placed in the centre of the field of play, and the losers have the first blow off again. 

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