The ultimate Matchbox collection arrives at Vectis

24 May 2021
The Graham Hamilton Ultimate Matchbox Picture Box collection to sell at auction
The ultimate Matchbox collection arrives at Vectis Images

This week sees a series of sales being held by Vectis Auctions, inviting bids on Graham Hamilton’s mightily impressive Matchbox collection. Covering the entire Lesney Matchbox Picture Box era, from 1962 – 1982, the collection covers every possible genre of Matchbox collecting. 

Well-known and respected in international Matchbox circles, Graham has pieced his personal collection together over decades of trading. Many rare and unique models have come directly from ex-Lesney employees, many of whom worked within the research and development department responsible for designing new additions to the range. 

The philosophy of the collection was simple - to assemble an example of every picture box released by Matchbox Toys over the years, including significant printing variations where applicable. The hard part was then to match this box artwork to a corresponding model so that body, window, interior, base and wheel variations were an exact match to the artist’s illustration on the box.

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Part 1 of the collection will be held over 26th/27th May, comprising both Regular Wheel and Superfast 1-75 series models. So, while this will be too late to bid on this part by the time you read this, we will carry a report in the next issue. Make a note for part 2 though, as the remainder of the collection is being offered on the 29th/30th September 2021.

To commemorate this landmark event Vectis Auctions is publishing a full colour Limited Edition collector’s reference catalogue priced at just £25. Demand for these catalogues is bound to be high, so to avoid disappointment, register your interest in purchasing a copy as quickly as possible at